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a network for Australian Marxian thinkers and activists
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July 2023
Blue Bans - How workers and their unions saved the Qld Great Barrier Reef - By Alison Stewart

March 2023
Away with all pests - Bruce MacFarlane discussion on Chinese revolution and health care
Hessen and 1931  delegation  appraisal by Bukharin of 1931 Soviet delegation (with Hessen)  to British Science and Society
Imperialism and world economy - by Nikolai Bukharin
Marx, Political economy and dynamics - Stefan Grossman 1977
Fifty Years of Tanning - Dinny McQueen's story
Dinny McQueen - making of an Australian working man - by Humphrey McQueen

new additions to Australian history and politics

Australian History - colonisation
   Founding of Australia - book edited by Ged Martin, 1978
   Founding of Australia - debate over Dallas argument
   Cook in Australia - extract from Vincent Harlow. 1952

Australian History & politics - federation & Later
   Colonial Office and Australian Constitution - de Garis 1969
   Lord Glyndyne and the loan market - by Davenport -Hynes 1988
   The Australia Acts 1986 - by Tony Blackshield in Oxford Companion to Aust High Court

Australian History - Ken Dallas papers and books
   bio of Ken Dallas
   Dallas on Blainey
   Dallas on Slavery in OZ
   Dallas on trading posts and first settlement in Australia
   Dallas on Horse power:
        Dallas on coach horses
        Dallas on farm horses
        Dallas on half-breed horses
        Dallas on horse in war
        Dallas on origins of the horse
    Dallas on Trading Posts and Penal Colonies
        Dallas Trading Posts Intro & Ch 1 and 2
        Dallas  Chp 3 and 4
        Dallas Ch 5 & 6 on Whaling
        Dallas Ch7 on convicts
        Dallas Ch 8 Conclusion and Index
Slavery in Australia - K. Dallas

May 2019
Clarrie O'Shea Collection - secondary source documents (and some primary source ones as well) on the Clarrie O'Shea jailing and the struggle against the penal powers in 1969.

September  2018

Archchbishop of Canterbury supports unions and addresses TUC - article in The Times Sept 13, 2018
Call for US unions to take up the fight against Capital
- by Garret Keizer in Harpers Mag, Sept 2018
The 1913 Silk Strike - "Labour's schoolhouse" - Lessons of the 1913 Patterson Silk Strike in New Jersey, US by Garret Keiser
For Young Battlers-  a story of inner city Adelaide (Bowden-Brompton), by Colin Ball in 2016
Archbishop of Canterbury supports unions and addresses TUC - article in The Times Sept 13, 2018
Call for US unions to take up the fight against Capital - by Garret Keizer in Harpers Mag, Sept 2018
Radical constructivism and an interesting approach to education - by Ernst von Glaserfeld
Article on how Marx has a lot to teach todays politicians  in The Economist, May 2017
Marx letter to Annenkov on his analysis of Proudhon  Dec 1846 (in M & E Collected Works Vol 38)

July  2018
Le Roy Madurie - Meteorology and Climate change- Story of Le Roy Madurie and his investigations of meteorology and the "little Ice Age".
The student's Marx - an introduction to the study of Capital by Edward Aveling, 1897
Engels Synopsis of Capital Chapter 1 - Laurence& Wishart edition, 1985, Marx & Engels Collected works V 20
Engels Synopsis of Capital Chapter 2 - Laurence& Wishart edition, 1985, Marx & Engels Collected works V 20
Engels Synopsis of Capital Chapter 4 - Laurence& Wishart edition, 1985, Marx & Engels Collected works V 20
Mass Communications & Advertising - analysis by Smythe on a "blindspot" in Marxist thought
Mass Communications & Advertising  response - response by Livant on this topic
Discussion of Capital by Bohm-Bawerk
The Distribution of Wealth - written by Samual Griffith in 1889
Wakefield, the colonisation of Australia, and Marx - by H.O. Pappe 1951
The genesis of capital - by Garran in the Australian Economist, 1890
Marx, Engels and Australia - by Henry Mayer, 1964
Marx's sources on Australia (for Capital Chapter 33) - by Henry Mayer, 1964
Socialism - a remedy for Social Injustice - by Max Hirsch, 1924
The IWW in Australia - Verity Burgmann, 1995
American influences on MZ Labour movement - by H. Roth, 1961
Review of book on Hegels influence on Marx - by G. Portus, 1926
Reflections of a socialist on  life in Australia - "Happy Highways" by G.V. Portus, 1953
How Marxism came to New Zealand - by Herbert Roth, 1953
Gotha program - misinterpretations of Marx's critique of Gotha program
Political Economy of wage labour
"The book on wage labour" and marxist scholarship
Capital and the Production of Needs
The One sidedness of Capital
Marxian theory of Crisis
Class conflict and the value of labour power - a Discussion by Ben Fine on Lebowitz views
Separation amongst workers - five questions for Ben Fine
Marx's Falling Rate of Profit - a dialectical view
Monopoly Capital

October 2017
1913 Silk Strike -
"Labour's schoolhouse"
Marx Lessons for politicians - Article in "The Economist" May 2017

April 2017
Analysis of misinterpretations of Marx's Critique of Gotha Program -
written in Science & Society, 2007
Marxian Thoery of Crisis -
an essay 1994
Lebowitz, class conflict and Labour value theory -
an essay by Ben Fine, 2008
Lebowitz response to Ben Fine -
Marx's "Accounting" solution to the transformation Problem -
Bryer, 2008
Econometric Model & Historical Materialism -
two different approaches to analysing society
Oscar Lange & Historical Materialism -
an essay
Dialectics & Systems Theory -
by Richard Levins
Sea and Summer -
review of George Turner's 1987 environmental catastrophe novel, by Andrew Milner
Pride -
review by Peter Curtis, for the ACT branch of Australian Education Union
Sunset Song -
notes on the film version of Lewis Grassic Gibbon's classic A Scot's Quair
Macfarlane Biography:  
in Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists, 1992
Canberra Rugger - Sydney Police Style
a chapter in a civil liberties casebook, 1970
Bruce Macfarlane: the consummate marxist a
chapter by Rajah Rasiah in 2007 in the Journal of Contemporary Asia
Muscles Macfarlane
a song called "Walking Through Canberra"
Historical Materialist Humphrey McQueen on Bruce McFarlane
Economic Growth in ASEAN countries - book chapter 1998
Unfolding of the ASEAN economic crisis - a paper in 1999
The Chinese Road to Socialism Book in 1970 jointly authored with E.L. Wheelwright
The State and Capitalist development in the Phillippines  book chapter in 1998
The Vietnamese Social Model - paper co-authored with Bob Catley in 1974
Market Socialism in S.E Asia - paper co-authored with Melanie Beresford in 1998
Role of government in economic life of South Australia  book chapter in 1986
Struggle for the North  Introduction to book "Struggle for the North" by J.H. Kelly in 1966
Review of Windschuttle  Review in Labour History journal 1980 of Windschuttle book on Economic Crisis in Australia.
Whitlam and the Technocrats  chapter  co-authored with Bob Catley in 1975 in the Essays in Political Economy of Australian Capitalism series
Challenging control of the Australian Economic system book chapter from 1971 book on the Australian new left
Michael Kalecki's Economics Book chapter in 1971
Michael Kalecki on Capitalism  1993 review article co-authored with P. Kriesler
Economic Planning and Democracy  1990 journal article co-authored with G.C. Harcourt
Post cold war socialist economics in Marxism  1995 journal article co-authored with Peter Groenewegen
Radical Economics  1982 Preface and Introduction to book Radical Economics
Yugoslavia's Crossroads  1966 book chapter
Marxism & Ecology - An article by John Bellamy Foster on ecological roots of Marxism
George Seddon & Karl Marx - essay by Peter Beilharz on "Nature and second nature"
Delayed Ice Ages - An article in Nature magazine and paper on how CO2 levels influence the occurrence of ice ages.
A Timeline for anniversaries  1917 & 1967&2017
Crisis of faith in capitalism:   article in Time Magazine in 2016 by Rana Foroohar
Using Human Nature - the Advertising Industry:   by Merle Curti - a history of the advertising industry reliance on changing ideas of human nature
Still Working - Review of the book, Modern Times, Ancient Hours, by Pietro Basso
Revolutionary Art - Dedication speech by Mike Alewitz for the Labor Art and Mural Project
Dialectics for the New Century
- Introduction to new Bertell Ollman book on dialectics
Dialectics and Systems Theory- Richard Levins, 1998
Marx on the dialectics of elliptical motion- Thomas Weston, 2012
Original outline of general systems theory- Original text in 1950 by Ludwig von Bertalanffy
The Social and Economic Roots of Newton's Principia - Famous lecture by Boris Hessen in 1931 at international History of Science conference
Social and Economic Roots of Hessen - Analysis of Boris Hessen, marxism and Soviet science in 1930s by Loren Graham in 1985
Review of the work of Stephen Jay Gould - extended review by Richard Lewontin 2008
Exposition of new concept of the capitalocene - by Jason Moore 2014
The Capitalocene as against the Anthropocene - by Daniel Hartley 2015
The social impetus for technological change - paper by Nathan Rosenberg 1969
The Unscientific Method - New Scientist article by van Gilder Cooke in 2016 on the flawed research based on unconscious biases  
Publish and Perish - Article in The Economist 2016 on how poor scientific methods leads to bad science.
Cosmology and the meaning of sundials - Book chapter by Jim Bennett on the depth of detail and understanding in the eraly development of sundials, and associated iRenaissance instruments.
History of Science in European tradition- Brian Cox
Historians of science and hegemony - Gramsci revisited- Nieto-Galan, 2011
Prehistory of Newton's Principia from 1664 to 1686- Whiteside, 1991
Selling Newton - science in 18th century England- Larry Stewart, 1986
Uber - growth of a new corporate giant and insecure work practices - article in Fortune mag 2015
Letter to Canberra Times - poverty, penalty rates and equality - Peter Curtis
Cutting Edge brain technologies in 21st century - article in Foreign Policy mag by Tim Requarth
Ending Federal Funding of public eduation: still on the agendae - a discussion paper by Save our Schools.
Biology of Play in education.