Surplus Value
a network for Australian Marxian thinkers and activists
Video and Audio


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Humphrey McQueen

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Bruce McFarlane
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The links below have been recommended for inclusion in this site by members of the network. Please send any suggestions for recommended web sites to our contact email.


[Except where indicated, these videos should play on any of the common media players, such as Windows Media Player or VLC Media Player]

Youtube video: Is Capitalism Bad for you? - 8-Bit Philosophy, where classic video games introduce famous thinkers, problems, and concepts with quotes, teachings, and more.Episode 22: Is Capitalism Bad For You? (Max Weber on The Protestant Ethic & The Spirit of Capitalism)

Telesur video: Untold History of Imperial Japan and the Bomb - Abby Martin interviews Dr. Peter Kuznick, co-author with Director Oliver Stone of the bestselling book and HBO series "The Untold History of the United States,” about the real story behind the use of the atomic bombs—as well as the untold history of Imperial Japan, its role today for the US Empire, and the danger for new war on the horizon.

Youtube Video: 150 years young - Marx's Capital - Youtube recording of Australian marxian historian Humphrey McQueen speaking at the launch of "150 Years Young - Marx's Capital".  McQueen was commissioned to write this book by the CPA(ML).

Song: System Change - The Great Disappointment - Song by the Mouksa Underground, about the great disappointment in the system change from socialism to capitalism in Hungary
The Bloodhouse - Film about BHP 1976 Film by Gary Lane, with narration written by Humphrey McQueen - a film about worker’s safety, class struggle, migrant workers, political economy
Responsible Capitalism?  2012 interview with Eric Hobsbawm, talking about how capitalism is concerned only with growth and making profit, not responsibility.
Freeway struggle in Brisbane, 1972 Peter Gray produced this documentary , " The Battle for Bowen Hills" to record the 1972 battle by local residents against a freeway planned to cut thier suburb in half. The struggle was successful
Video Documentary of the Latrobe Valley Strike in 1977
Peter Gray produced this documentary of the 1977 strike of power workers in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria.
A rap on the destruction of the British Health system
Andrew Lansley is the British minister of Health in the new Conservative UK government. Enjoy this rap on his attacks on public hewalth in the UK
Capitalism and Climate Change Part 1 of 5
- a talk by Marxist ecologist & Monthly Review editor John Bellamy Foster to the Climate Change|Social Change conference held by Green Left Weekly in Sydney April 11-13, 2008. (9.01 min - 17.0MB)
Capitalism and Climate Change Part 2 of 5 (9.01 min - 14.3MB)
Capitalism and Climate Change Part 3 of 5 (9.01 min - 14.6MB)
Capitalism and Climate Change Part 4 of 5 (6.24 min - 12.2MB)
Capitalism and Climate Change Part 5 of 5 (6.16 min - 11.8MB)
Communist Manifestoon - the Communist Manifesto told in cartoon form (8.17 min - 17.8MB)
The Internationale - sung by Alistair Hulett and Jimmy Gregory (3.16 min - 6.3MB)
The Herd - video clip of an anti-imperialist song by The Herd (3.26 min - 6.9MB)
Crisis of Capitalism - a talk by Professor of Economics, Rick Wolff, on the current crisis of capitalism. You will need Quicktime (link to download site , or use already downloaded exe file) to view this video. (38.47 min - 509.5MB) ** NEW [added February 2009] **


Doug Henwood Interview with Jane McAlevey   2017 - Jane is a US union organiser with grass roots approach to political and union organising
Song: We have fed you all a thousand years   Song set to labour movement photo montage, and sung by Mat Callahan
Audio Books
- various Marxist texts available as audio files from Marxists Internet Archive.
Trade Unionism in Crisis
- by Tom Bramble for Perspective, ABC Radio (6.04 min - 2.8MB).
Political Playwrights - from Artworks, ABC Radio (25.08 min - 11.5MB).
Marxism - Audio Recording of 'Marxism', Chapter 15 of Realizing Hope by Michael Albert. Read by Mark Stevens. This audio recording was created for members of The Study Group in Cardiff (initiated by members of PPS-UK), to listen to for next meeting. Some members of the group found it difficult to engage with theoretical text, their situation being that of after having worked all day and then seeing after children later, reading theory was hard. See Z Audio. (18.48 min - 17.2MB)
Julia Gradgrind - Interview with Humphrey McQueen on 3CR community radio, Melbourne in December 2009. A "no holds barred" discussion of the current role of the ALP (or "Anti Labour Party") in assisting the Australian state to organise capital and disorganise labour, specifically around health and safety laws and industrial relations laws. (20 min - 19.6 MB). This discussion inspired the poem "Ms Killard et al Gradgrinds" from Jim Sharp in Brisbane.