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Bruce McFarlane


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This webpage celebrates the achievements of Bruce McFarlane (1936- ), both as a tribute a friend and comrade for fifty-six years, and to enrich collective awareness of how much cutting-edge Marxism has been produced here as an encouragement to anyone who fears that they missed out by not being born in Paris or Caracas.
        Bruce graduated from University of Sydney, and later a Masters in Economics. Between 1957 and 1960, he studied in Yugoslavia, which gave him a lifelong commitment to self-management, and then to the Indian Planning Commission with Michal Kalecki. At Cambridge, he worked with Joan Robinson and Maurice Dobb.
        He taught economics at the University of Queensland, Political Science at the ANU, was Professor of Political Science at the University of Adelaide and Professor of Economics at Newcastle.
        He has published some dozen books, including Economic Policy in Australia, the case for Reform (1968); The Chinese Road to Socialism (1968) with Ted Wheelwright; Radical Economics (1982), and A history of economic thought in Australia (1990) with Peter Groenewegen.  There are countless journal articles on Asia and Australia, about central planning and economic theory.
        He served on the editorial board of Labour History and was among the founding editors of the Journal of Contemporary Asia.
        After more than a decade of activism opposing the war against the peoples of Indo-China, which saw him arrested three times, he, with his second wife, the late Melanie Beresford, contributed to planning the reconstruction.
        Bruce has never been afraid of algebra anymore than he supposed that it equated to real existing economies. Nor did he fall for the Third World-ist misreading of Lenin’s Imperialism as latter-day colonialism rather than the era of monopolising capitals.
        No one on the Australian Left more exemplifies what Marx meant in writing that if we are to change the world we must interpret it but that we can interpret the world only through changing it.
                        Humphrey McQueen, October, 2016


Asian Issues

Economic Growth in ASEAN countries - book chapter 1998
Unfolding of the ASEAN economic crisis - a paper in 1999
The Chinese Road to Socialism Book in 1970 jointly authored with E.L. Wheelwright
The State and Capitalist development in the Phillippines  book chapter in 1998
The Vietnamese Social Model - paper co-authored with Bob Catley in 1974
Market Socialism in S.E Asia - paper co-authored with Melanie Beresford in 1998

Australian Politics

Labor and Economic Crisis:   Book Chapter co-authored with Bob Catley in 1974 (subtitled "The golden anniversary of the chant of Jimmie Scullin 1929"), in Essays in the political economy of Australian capitalism Vol IV
Australian Post-war economic policy 1947 - 1953 a book chapter in "Australia's First Cold War 1945 - 1953" in 1984
Australian economic thought  chapter in a book co-authored with Peter Groenevegen in 1991
Kaleckian analysis of economic crisis in Australia book chapter  co-authored with Melanie Beresford in 1980
Role of government in economic life of South Australia  book chapter in 1986
Struggle for the North  Introduction to book "Struggle for the North" by J.H. Kelly in 1966
Review of Windschuttle  Review in Labour History journal 1980 of Windschuttle book on Economic Crisis in Australia.
Whitlam and the Technocrats  chapter  co-authored with Bob Catley in 1975 in the Essays in Political Economy of Australian Capitalism series
Challenging control of the Australian Economic system book chapter from 1971 book on the Australian new left

Marxist Politics

Correcting Economic Correctness    Review of Joe Collins book on Economic Rent, 2022
New Marxist Economics - a review    Review of  marxist economics books in Arena #19, 1969
The Asiatic Mode of Production
Pt I:
  Journal article co-authored with Steve Cooper and Mimir Jasic in 2007.
The Asiatic Mode of Production Pt II Journal article co-authored with Steve Cooper and Mimir Jasic in 2007.
Bill Warren a 1978 introduction to the work of Bill Warren
Maurice Dobb, Historical Materialism and economic thought  Journal article co-authored with Tony Atley in 2001
Maurice Dobb's thoeretical work  Book chapter written in 1984
Biography of Maurice Dobb  Chapter co-authored with B.H. Pollitt in a book about dissenting economists in 1992
Maurice Dobb on Socialist Economy  Book Chapter in 1995
Imperialism in Theory and Practice   Chapter from the MacFarlane book Radical Economis in 1982
Michael Kalecki's Economics Book chapter in 1971
Michael Kalecki on Capitalism  1993 review article co-authored with P. Kriesler
Economic Planning and Democracy  1990 journal article co-authored with G.C. Harcourt
Post cold war socialist economics in Marxism  1995 journal article co-authored with Peter Groenewegen
Radical Economics  1982 Preface and Introduction to book Radical Economics
Yugoslavia's Crossroads  1966 book chapter


Macfarlane tribute by Humphrey McQueen
Macfarlane Biography
  in Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists, 1992
Canberra Rugger - Sydney Police Style a chapter in a civil liberties casebook, 1970
Bruce Macfarlane: the consummate marxist a chapter by Rajah Rasiah in 2007 in the Journal of Contemporary Asia
Muscles Macfarlane a song called "Walking Through Canberra"
Historical Materialist Humphrey McQueen on Bruce McFarlane


On Capital:   correspondence with Humphrey McQueen, 2016
On Capitalism correspondence with Humphrey McQueen, 2016