Index to Surplus Value Issue No.2:
[Articles are not necessarily listed in the order they appear in the journal]
Contributed articles
Towards Socialism - an outline of the aims of the renamed Praxis Network
Teachers' Voices Demand Recognition - the position of teachers under the new Labor government
A Turning Point - opportunities for on-going class struggle under new Labor
Make Capitalism History - change will only be accomplished by the complete overthrow of the capitalist system
Not The 1930s - why is the productive system in this crisis?
Fire Sale of the People's Assets Continues - possible privatisation of public assets in Queensland
The Great Money Trick - an extract from The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (submitted by Humphrey McQueen)
Articles from other web sites
The Tempest of History - Terry Eagleton's engaging article on the need for socialism
Does Ecology Need Marx? - Martha Jimenez writes about the ecology and Marxism
Revolution is the Only Answer - An interview with John Bellamy Foster on ecology and Marxism
The Capitalist Workday - Michael Lebowitz writes about work under capitalism and socialism
Why Socialism Did Not Fail - Sharat Lin analyses why socialism did not fail in the USSR
From History's Pages - Tolstoy says the land belongs to all
Housework Under Capitalism - Cindy L’Hirondelle examines the free labour of housework
Dialectics for the New Century - Introduction to new Bertell Ollman book on dialectics
Hating the Rich - Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz'satirical (?) exhortation to hate the rich
Poetry - A regular feature dedicated to revolutionary and working class poetry
Kathmandu - poet unknown
London - a poem to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the birth of William Blake
The Song of the Shirt - by Thomas Hood (1799-1845) [see Jim Sharp's comments about the poem]
Crossword - A regular feature to test your word skills. They will generally have a Marxist flavour/theme