"Globed From The Atoms"
Globed from the
atoms falling slow or swift
I see the suns, I see the systems
- Their forms; and even the systems and the suns
Shall go back slowly
to the eternal drift.
Even if there lurk behind some veil of sky
fabled Maker, the immortal Spy,
- Ready to torture each poor life he made,
Thou canst do more than
God can -- thou canst die.
For I, if still you are haunted by the
Of hell, have one more secret for your ear.
- Hell & its torments are not there, but are here.
By Lucretius
(Lucretius, c. 99-55 B.C., a Roman poet,
that all things - including man -
operate according to their own laws
are not in any way influenced by supernatural
powers; with this view,
he thought, man should
be free of the yoke of religious superstition
the fear of death.)