MS 4809
Papers of Humphrey McQueen (1942- )
Biographical Note

Historian and critic. Author of A New Britannia (1970), Aborigines, race and racism (1974), Australia's media monopolies (1977), Social sketches of Australia (1978), The Black swan of trespass (1979), Gone tomorrow (1983) and other writings on Australian history, art and intellectual life.

Partly Restricted. 

Series List
BOX 1 Personal Correspondence Restricted
Folder 1 Brian Laver, 1970,71 "
2 Clem Christisen, 1971-74  "
3 John Hooker, 1969-71 "
4 Henry Mayer (1), 1969-71 "
5 Henry Mayer (2), 1970-73 "
6 Henry Mayer (3), 1970-74  "
7 Penquin Books re 'Connexions' 1972-74 "
8 Correspondence re legal questions " regarding 'The New Britannia' "
9 Teichmann review of 'A New Britannia' " - 1971 "
Folder 10 Correspondence with Henry Mayer  Restricted 
11 Correspondence with Kelvin Rowley, 1971-74 "
12 Correspondence re 'Connexions', 1971-74  "
13 Letters re Teichmann's review of 'A New Britannia  "
14 Correspondence re 'A New Britannia' "
15 Correspondence with John Hooker re 'A New Britannia', 1969-70  "
16 Newspaper critiques re 'A New Britannia', 1971  "
BOX 3 
(Added 21.4.75)  Typescript of 'A New Britannia'' and reviews  Open 
BOX 4 
(Added 21.4.75) 
Folder 17 Correspondence with Clem Christisen  Restricted 
18 Correspondence with Brian Laver  "
20  Various correspondence and newscuttings, 1964-1976 (added 24.1.'77)  "
21 Correspondence re article on Spanish Influenza ( added 17.9.'76)  "
22 Correspondence with Dennis Murphy, 1969-76  "
23 Correspondence re 'Comic Book'(added 26.7.76)  "
24 Correspondence and type draft of  'What's wrong with Australia'  "
25 Correspondence with Penguin Books,1970-76 "
Folder 26 Draft MS titled 'The Black Swan of Trespass' (Added 15.8.77) 0pen
27 MS 'Social sketches of Australia' -Part 1  "
28 MS 'Social Sketches of Australia' -Part 2  "
29 Draft MS 'Australia's Media Monopolies'- Part 1 (Added 24.4.79)  "
30 Draft MS 'Australia's Media Monopolies'- Part 2  "
31 Draft MS 'Australia's Media Monopolies' -Part 3  "
32 'Scope' scripts etc., 1975 "
Box 6 Two published paper back copies of 'A New Britannia', (Ringwood, Vic., Penguin, 1970) - amended printer's copies (Added 28.9.77)  Open
Folders 33-34 Typescript of 'The Black Swan of  Trespass', annotated by Bernard Smith. Chapters 1-8 (Added 28.9.77)  "
35 Photocopy of type script draft of 'The Black Swan of Trespass', Chapters 1-3  "
36 Photocopy of type script draft of 'The Black Swan of Trespass', (Part 2)  "
Folder 37 Photocopy of typescript draft of Chapter 7 of 'The Black Swan of Trespass' (Added 18.10.77)  "
38 Photocopy typescript of 'The Black Swan of Trespass'- Part 4 (Added 
Typescript of 'A New Britannia' in two loose leaf folders (Added 
BOX 8  6 Diaries - 1970-75, 1 notebook, (not dated) (Added 24.4.78)  Restricted 
BOX 9 
Folder 39 Correspondence - 1976-77 "
40 " "
41 " "
42  Neil Beckhaus "
43 Darce Cassidy (added 3.5.78) "
BOX 10  Open 
Folder 44 ANU History 111. A Course syllabus 1972-74 (pass level): 1974 Honours level (Added 3.5.78) "
45-6  M/s 'Social sketches of Australia (Added 25.8.78)  "
47-8 M/s 'History of Australia' - Vol.2 (Added 25.8.78) "
49 Publishing notes for Social Studies (Added 25.8.78) "
BOX 11
(Added 25.8.78) 
Folder 50 Tax Returns and assessments Restricted
51 Account Books "
52 Account Books "
53  Correspondence (1977/78) (Added 6.2.79)  "
54  Folder/Papers/Tax forms (1977/8) (Added 25/8/78)  "
BOX 12 
Folder 55-57  Annotated typescript of 'The Black"Swan of Trespass'; the emergence of modernistic painting in Australia up to 1944  Open 
BOX 13 
(Added 21.12.79) 
Folder 58 Correspondence with John Lonie 1978-79  Restricted 
59 Correspondence "
60 Correspondence concerning 'Black Swan of Trespass' "
BOX 14 
(Added 3.3.81) 
Folder 61 Photocopy of Eleanor Dark's 'Slow Dawning' (287 p-lacks last page) Original held in Mitchell Library  Open
62  Poem 'What is literature', by Humphrey McQueen. Successive drafts  "
63 Typescript draft (with minor alterations) of McQueen's 'Gone Tomorrow': Australia enters the Eighties - 255 p  "
64 Research notes of womens' magazines "
BOX 15 
Folder 65 Taxforms etc. ca. 1977/78 Restricted 
66 Correspondence and draft of 'Jimmy's brief life'  "
67 Preston Exhibition "
68 McQueen's review for Sydney Morning Herald. Drafts of review of 'Abroad'- Letter to Michele Field  "
69 Queensland Trip - 1979 "
70 Queensland Trip - 1980 5 Bank Books (cancelled), 3 Diaries (1976, 1977, 1978), 2 Cash Books, Diary 1962 - 'A record of my political 
experiences and impressions'
BOX 16 
(Added 24.4.81) 
Folder 71 Drafts of 'Gone Tomorrow' "
72  Correspondence related to McQueen,s Meanjin article on C.J.Dennis  Open 
73 Draft 'Pilbara's Progress' "
BOX 17
Folder 74 Draft of 'Gone Tomorrow' "
75 Draft of 'Gone Tomorrow' "
76 Draft of 'Gone Tomorrow' "
BOX 18 
(Added 24.4.81) 
Folder 77 Draft of 'Black Swan of Trespass' "
78 Draft of 'Gone Tomorrow' - Chapter 7 "
BOX 19
(Added 11.11.82) 
Folder 79 Correspondence re 'The Conciliation and Arbitration Bill' (1963) Bill (1963)  Restricted
80 Miscellaneous correspondence 1979-82, between McQueen and bodies such as Council of Adult Education, ANZAAS, Warana and Commonwealth Festival Island magazine and other writers - labelled H. Public Letters  "
81 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1981-82 on personal and literary matters. McQueen's replies are always typescript. Original folder labelled - 'Personal - (c. 400 letters) "
BOX 20
(Added 11.11.82) 
Folder 82 'A. & R. Correspondence', mainly between McQueen and Angus and Robertson about publishing 'Gone Tomorrow' (published 1982) - 
1979 - 82
83 'APCOL' - Alternative publishing Co-op Ltd..This firm published McQueen's 'Black Swan of Trespass' in 1979.Routine correspondence about publication, together with APCOL balance sheets, meeting notices etc. 1979-82  "
84 Correspondence, mainly concerning rticles and reviews, written by McQueen for National Times.Copies of some articles  "
85 Tax 1980-81, Cash Book 1979-81, Financial records 1980-81.Exercise Book with personal expenditure, (undated)  "
86 'Freemantle correspondence with Arts Centre Press, mainly about A.B.Facey's 'A Fortunate Life', 1981-2 "
87 'Michele Field'. Letters concerning writing of items for Age and Sydney Morning Herald. Typed drafts of reviews of 'Red Shelby' and other 
works, notes for reviews and articles.
88 'Queensland 1981'- Correspondence about his term as Writer in Residence at the University of Queenland, September - October 1981. Deals mainly with administration matters (1980-81)  "
89  'Penguin'. Correspondence to and from Penguin, for whom McQueen is a consultant. Lengthy literary critical comment, as well as news of  fellow writers and forthcoming books. Letters concerning McQueen's 'Social Sketches', published by Penguin - 1978 "
BOX 21 
Folder 90  Biography of Tony Twigg (1953-82), a designer and artist (1 page p/copy) (Added 11.11.82)  Open 
91 McQueen Public'. Miscellaneous circulars and newspaper cuttings - 1980-82  "
92 Draft typescript of 'Gone Tomorrow', published by Angus and Robertson - 1982. Contains minor annotations for the printer "
BOX 22 
(Added 26.3.84) 
Folder 93 Envelope labelled 'MacLeod Pix' Six black and white photographs (intended to appear in Bowyang) includes Lord and Lady Loftus, and 
scenes from 'Tichborne" Trial 
94 'Bowyang'. Main administrative and routine editorial matters, soliciting book reviews and financing. Some letters contain discussion on content and direction of 'Bowyang.  "
95 Copies of articles submitted to 'Bowyang', but not published  "
96  Photocopies of articles mailed in July 1982 by Barry York to individuals involved in producing Bowyang. Covering letters by York. Articles mainly from New Left Review on subject of peace and nuclear disarmament  "
97 Article 'Report on shipment of gift consignment of pigs to India , on behalf of those who have less' by B.K.Roberts, Flowerdale, Tasmania, on 
98 'Trees, their influence on human behaviour patterns' - N.W.Conservation Trust Christmas address, 7.12.1982.on Carbon typescript 14 pages. Author not indentified.  "
BOX 23
(Added 22.12.87) 
Folder 99  Darling Harbour Bi-Centennial Exhibition.  Restricted 
100 Correspondence to and from R.Milliss "
101 Correspondence 1984, including plans for Venice (1986)  "
102 Correspondence - 1983-84 (a) "
103 Correspondence - 1983-84 (b) (also includes 2 posters concerned with Tasmanian visit)  "
BOX 24
(Added 22.12.87) 
Folder 104  Correspondence re Tasmanian tour 1982 (a)  "
105 Correspondence re Tasmanian tour 1982 (b)  "
106 Correspondence - Tasmania 1984 (c) "
107 Correspondence , 1985-1987 "
108 Correspondence, 1986-1987 "
109 Correspondence, 1985-1986 "
110 Correspondence with Fontana -1980-82 "
111 Correspondence with Widescope -1976-1981  "
BOX 25 
(Added 22.12.87) 
Folder 112 Newspaper and magazine cuttings 1986-87  "
113 Correspondence - Caroline Lurie and Australian Literary 
Management, 1982-86 
114 Correspondence with FAW, German friends - Stumer and Dietrich - 
115-118 General Correspondence (a - d) 1982-86 "
BOX 26
Folder 119 Correspondence with Allen and Unwin - 1982-86  "
120 Correspondence with Jim Davidson -1981-84 "
121-22 Correspondence with Penguin Books 1982-87  "
123 Correspondence with Nicholas Pounder 1980-83 "
124 Correspondence re George Munster Awards  "
BOX 27 
(Added 12.12.87) 
Folder 125 Personal Correspondence (a) 1985-86 Restricted 
126 Personal Correspondence (b) 1983-84 "
127 Correspondence with Henry Mayer - 1971-1983  "
128 Correspondence with Literature Board - 1978-1983  "
129 Correspondence with A.B.C. 1982-1986 "
130 Correspondence with Redgum 1980-1982 "
131 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1986-1987 (a) "
132 Miscellaneous Correspondence - 1985-86 (b)  "
BOX 28 
(Added 22.12.87) 
Folder 133 Correspondence re series and exhibitions other than the A.B.C.  "
134-5  'Tom Roberts' (a) T.V. series, research notes, drafts and correspondence  "
136 Correspondence with A.B.C. T.V., including Cawline - 1982-83  "
137-8 'Virgin Ground'(a) and (b)  "
BOX 29 
(Added 12.12.91)  
Folder 139 McQueen's newspaper reviews (a) Open
140 McQueen's newspaper reviews (b) "
141-5 'Tom Roberts' - T.V. series drafts  "
BOX 30
Folder 146-51 'The Facemaker'. Draft of novel re Tom Roberts  "
BOX 31
(Added 22.12.87)
Folder 152-55 Correspondence with Peter Curtis 1984-87  Closed
BOX 32
Folder 156-9  Correspondence with Judy McQueen 1981-87  "
BOX 33
(Added April 1988) 
Folder 160  Correspondence with Neil Backhaus Restricted 
161 Correspondence with Angus and Robertson  "
162-3 Correspondence re 'Bologna', and drafts of 'Short story of Australia'  "
164 Correspondence with Australian Society "
165 Correspondence Ruth Blair "
166 Correspondence David Buchanan "
167 Correspondence Tim Bonnyhady  "
168 Correspondence Manning Clark "
BOX 34 
(Added April 1988) 
Folder 169 Correspondence with Peter Cochrane "
170 Correspondence Steven Cooper "
171 Correspondence Stephen McDonald "
172 Correspondence John Farrow "
173 Correspondence Tom Fitzgerald "
174 Correspondence German "
175 Correspondence Eric Dunn "
176  Correspondence Drew Cottle "
177 Correspondence  - 1982-84  "
BOX 35
(Added April 1988) 
Folder 178 Correspondence with John Lonie  "
179 Correspondence Kathy Lette  "
180 Correspondence Nick Jose  "
181 Passport  Restricted
182 'Island' magazine  "
183  Correspondence with Dorothy Green "
184 Correspondence Joan Kerr "
185 Correspondence David Jaffe and others  "
BOX 36 
Folder 186 News cuttings "
187-88 Unsorted correspondence 1987-8 (a & b)  "
BOX 37 
Folder 189-94 Financial papers "
BOX 38 Appointment Diaries 1980-88 "
BOX 39
(Added April 1988) 
Folder 195 Correspondence with Gerry Sinclair "
196 Correspondence Tony Twigg "
197 Correspondence Graeme Sturges "
198 Correspondence Melbourne Herald, Margaret Jones, Michele Field  "
199  Correspondence with Bernard Smith "
200  Correspondence Kosmos Tsoktias and Alex Vintila "
201 Miscellaneous personal correspondence, including Leo Schofield "
202 Correspondence with Popular Theatre Troupe, Graham Rowland and Tim Rowse  Restricted 
203  Correspondence with Meanjin "
BOX 40
(Added 31.5.90) 
Folder 204 Correspondence with Louise Adler,1989-90  Closed 
205 Correspondence Aust.Book review,1988-89 "
206 Correspondence Aust.Society, 1988-89 "
207  Correspondence Neil Beckhaus,1988-89 "
208 Correspondence Rob.Darby, 1988-90 "
209 Correspondence Jim Davidson, 1988-89 "
210 Correspondence Tom Fitzgerald 1988-89 "
211 Correspondence Ruth Blair  "
212 Correspondence Manning Clark "
BOX 41
Folder 213 Correspondence - Germany - Elke & Klaus 1988-90 Closed
214 Correspondence Adam "
215 Correspondence Dorothy Green "
216 Correspondence Bob Hincksman "
217 Correspondence Tom Horton  "
218 Correspondence Nick Jose "
219 Correspondence The Independent  "
220-21 Correspondence Japanese - 1988-89  - 1988-90 "
BOX 42
Folder 222 Correspondence with Judy McQueen 1988-89  Closed
223 Correspondence Mark Lazeros 1988 "
224 Correspondence Kathy Lette 1988-89  "
225 Correspondence Caroline Lurie 1988-90 "
226-8 Correspondence with Stephen McDonald 1988-90 "
229  Correspondence with Penguin Books "
BOX 43 
Folder 230  Nicholas Pounder  "
231 Jack Radley  "
232 Graham Rowlands "
233  Tony Twigg "
234-37  Miscellaneous Correspondents "
BOX 44
Folder 238-41 Miscellaneous Correspondents (Series 2: Research material (1988-90) This series contains notes, cuttings,appointment books and a diary relating to McQueen's research for a book on the Japan - Indonesia - Australia triangle)  "
242 Assn. of South- east Asian nations, politics, Diplomacy - 1987-89  "
243 Brunei - cuttings "
244  Christmas Island  "
245 Gaiusho "
246 Indonesian foreign affairs "
BOX 45 
(Added 31.5.90) 
Folder 247 Indonesian economy  "
248  Indonesian oil "
249  Japan and the Netherlands East Indies  "
250 Newly industrialised economies "
251 Oil - Timor Sea  "
252 Piracy  "
253  Straits "
254 Trade  "
BOX 46
Folder 255 Correspondence, notes etc 1988-90 (a)  "
256 Correspondence (b)  "
257  Correspondence (c) "