CURRENT POLITICS - Class Warfare Rhetoric |
Class Warfare Rhetoric
the parliamentary cretins tore the ALP apart, its sad and sorry losers huffed
and puffed against ‘class-warfare rhetoric’. In truth, we haven’t heard even the
rhetoric of class struggle. Treasury mouthpiece Swann let off a few farts about
mining company rip-offs. Free-trade Emerson blessed the little cotton socks of the
fabulously wealthy. One of richest people in the world, US
investor Warren Buffett, knows one big thing about class struggle. That
something is what all shades of parliamentary cretins don’t want us to
hear. ‘There is a class war’, Buffett
says, ‘and my class is winning.’ If you want to hear the voice of class
warfare try Rinehart’s two-dollars-a-day wage for size. Her dream is more than
rhetoric. What she is after is the substance of class warfare. What is that substance? The class
struggle is much more than lockouts or picket lines. Indeed, the class struggle is waged every
second of everyday. Its crux is the disciplining of labour-time. The weapons of
capital include time-and-motion, speed-ups and unpaid overtime. Others are
piece-rates and casualisation. Weak occupational health and safety helps the
managers to keep profits flowing. This regime became possible because the
propertied classes used force and robbery to get their claws on the means of
production. They did so with the backing of the state as legalised violence. The outcome set labour ‘free’ in three
senses. We are ‘freed’ from possessing all but one of the resources we need to sustain
ourselves. That remaining resource is our capacity to add value. Secondly, we
are ‘free’ to sell that resource to capital. Finally, we are free to starve
when capital has no need for our labour-power. Look at the suicide rates in
Greece and Spain. The class struggle over wages and
hours also dominates life outside our places of work. That battle decides how
much leisure we have and the quality of our sleep. The substance of class
warfare determines the quality of the food we put on our tables. It also
determines the cost of housing, its availability and standard. It decides our access to education. Does
schooling contribute to the all-round development of our children as human
beings? Or are they stunted to training for the boss class? Under he rules of class war, the state
organises capital and disorganises labour. Often as not, the state tries to disorganise
labour by re-organising it. That is what happened under the arbitration regime.
Then, the 1969 O’Shea strike sidelined the penal powers. In response, Fraser
turned to the Trade Practices Act. The Accords were the big de-form under
Hawke-Keating to disorganise us. Today, the boss class is using tort laws to
bankrupt unions as in the Grocon dispute. In these assaults, capital is backed
by its labour lieutenants from Rudd to Gillard. We feel their dirty work through
un-FairWork Australia and her enforcement of the Building and Construction
Commission. Wages and conditions are determined by
the relative strengths of the contending classes. Those strengths combine the
industrial, the economic, the political and the cultural. Even for defence, our
class has to organise at all those levels. Workers might not always call the
class struggle for what it is. To score more wins, we don’t need the wind-baggery
of a Swann. One task for communists is to link wages,
hours, conditions and OH&S with needs across the rest of life. We join demands
for public transport, a healthy environment, a progressive culture and an end
to war-mongering. These issues combine to confront capital and its state with
needs they cannot meet. They are the substance of class warfare. |
See also: Marxism |