“No pay”

Member of your union Herbert Passmore 11 Clarence St., Port Macquarie, Flat 1, has complained as follows.

  1. Working for D. Olsen from the 26.9.73 until the 14.12.73 and 30 men were paid off on that day the 14.12.73, this includes B.W.I.U. men. No public holidays paid by Olsen. Pay dockets were correctly issued by Olsen with the exception of Saturday work which was paid in cash in the envelope, 8 hours work for $20 (not shown on pay docket) Mr Olsen has stated that he didn’t want Union Labour.

  2. I commenced duty with J. and A. McDonald Mid-Coast Concrete Form Work Constructions Coffs Harbour on the 17.12.73 and was paid off on the 25.1.74 and $51.00 paid to me in the hand on that day. I have been getting paid by McDonald in a plain envelope, specimen as follows … Bert Passmore $50.00 … During that time he has been paying $2 an hour overtime and Saturday time at the same rate. He has not paid me wet money for 3 days and 2 hours. I have still received no money for Public Holidays over the Xmas period from either of the above names. No fares. I have been paid below the Award for ordinary and overtime rates. I have received no pro rata holiday pay.

Forwarded by Gordon Freeman, Secretary of Hastings Combined Union Council, 26 January 1974.

NSW Branch records, Mitchell Library Sydney, MSS4879,  MLK 04266