Australians, on hearing about this regime, cannot believe that its
provisions apply to anyone but terrorism suspects. Overseas observers
will be no less amazed that a Labor administration in a liberal
democracy is relying on star chambers to deliver, what it considers ‘a
safe, productive and harmonious construction sector’. See
Tribe submitted, he would have been cross-examined about a meeting he
attended on a construction site at The
Construction Division of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy
Union (CFMEU) sent Tribe as a delegate to the biennial Congress of the
Australian Council of Trade Unions where he was cheered and Labor deputy
prime minister and Minister for Education, Employment and Workplace
Relations, and for Social Inclusion, Julia Gillard, got heckled during
her ‘keep-the-cop-on-the-beat’ speech.
contrast, at the 2007 Congress, the unions and the Labor Party were
combining to defeat the government headed by John Howard since 1996. Its
latest round of attacks on working conditions, glossed as Work Choices,
had widened and deepened his government’s unpopularity. Mass rallies
and millions spent on television advertising by the unions made ‘Your
Rights at Work’ the central issue at the November 2007 elections,
which Labor won and at which Howard lost his seat. The unions looked
forward to the end of that era, promised for no later than February
2010. The
anger at Gillard’s speech to the ACTU Congress among even delegates
close to the government was fed by its failure to dismantle all of Work
Choices. Instead, the Fair Work Act makes almost any industrial action
illegal for workers throughout the economy. Stoppages over political
questions such as the environment, wars or domestic repression are
totally banned. Pattern bargaining of the type conducted by the Several
unions are taking the government to the ILO over these provisions, see
Chris White
go to When
Work Choices became law in 2005, the then secretary of the ACTU, Greg
Combet, promised to go to gaol if necessary to defeat its repressiveness.
Instead, he went into parliament where, as a minister, he defends a law
far worse than Work Choices. Work
Choices was by no means the most savage of the attacks on workers and
their organisations. In 2000, the
Howard government appointed a
Royal Commissioner, Terence Cole, QC, to investigate the Building and
Construction Industry. Cole catalogued all the behaviours that employers
deemed ‘inappropriate’ and recommended that they be made offences,
which the government did under the Building and Construction Industry
Improvement Act (2005). See Chris White ‘The Perth 107: the right to
strike contest’
. Cole said that he had put allegations of criminal behaviour by
unionists into a secret volume to preserve their right to a fair trial.
No one has ever been indicted on the basis of that information. The
previous government set up the ABCC to enforce the avalanche of
unlawfulness that Cole had created. Staffed from police forces, the ABCC
began its investigations with a move against workers who had stopped for
twenty minutes to take up a collection for a deceased workmate. The
prime target, however, was the policy of ‘deaths-in-industry’
stoppages on full pay which the Victorian Branch of the CFMEU had
initiated to bring instant pressure on employers to improve safety.
Under the ABCC, the union could be fined more for stopping after a
fatality than the employer would be if ever convicted over the death.
The unionists can be imprisoned: the employer could not. In 2008, a
Victorian union official, Noel Washington, refused to attend an ABCC
hearing about a union-sponsored barbeque held off-site and outside
working hours. The ABCC suspended its charges against In
June 2008, the Labor government appointed retired judge Murray Wilcox to
report on whether there was any need to maintain special provisions for
the building and construction once that industry was incorporated into
the Fair Work regime, a modified version of WorkChoices. Wilcox accepted
that the Royal Commission and the consequent Act had been correct to
criminalize all the behaviours that employers deemed inappropriate. He
therefore had no difficulty in finding that significant areas of
unlawfulness remained, and so recommended the retention of coercive
powers. On The
Minister’s second reading speech offered no instance of proven
illegality by workers. Instead, she justified the coercive powers as
necessary to combat ‘high levels of unlawfulness as evidenced by
allegations, investigations, prosecutions, audits and the like’. This
definition of ‘unlawfulness’ includes Tribe’s involvement with the
on-site meeting over justified OHS concerns, and Washington’s presence
at a lunch-time barbeque in a neighbourhood park. Why does Gillard’s
evidence not mention convictions? A
feature of the Royal Commission, the 2005 Act and the ABCC has been the
almost total absence of attention paid to offences by employers. This
lack of balance applies to the new legislation. Gillard’s speech did
not let employers off the hook entirely, mentioning ‘underpayment of
wages or sham contracting’, but this glancing blow pales against her
repeated references to ‘violence and intimidation’ by workers. Much
of what the employers told Cole was ‘inappropriate’ had been
behaviour by unionists in upholding laws that government agencies failed
to enforce, whether in regard to OHS or the non-payment of wages and
benefits. In 2007, the Tax
Office reported that it had collected $93m. in unpaid superannuation
contributions, which the Deputy Commissioner admitted was only the tip
of an iceberg. Minister
Gillard’s determination to ‘drive cultural change’ in the industry
is aimed against unionists, never at corporates with their history of
price-fixing. A body with the powers of the ABCC is well placed to test
how effective has been the Chinese Wall between the Hochtief-owned triad
of construction giants – Leightons, Union
campaigns against the ABCC and the coming Inspectorate insist on ‘One
law for all’. That demand will not be met under the new Bill. Unequal
levels of repression of building workers will continue under Fair Work.
Moreover, the coercive powers will not be applied to the employers. The
ABCC has punished a few employers - for behaving decently. Even if the
coercive powers were abolished, there still would be one law for
corporations and another for workers, notably in regard to OHS.
Gillard’s definition of violence does not extend to the tens of
thousands of building and construction workers expected to die from
asbestos-related diseases. No executive or director of James Hardie
faces penal sanctions over that slaughter. Gillard acknowledged that
health and safety issues were ‘deliberately not included in Mr
Wilcox’s terms of reference’. That exclusion meant that Wilcox could
not investigate one of the principal realms of illegalities by
employers, or use that investigation to explain the levels of
unlawfulness by workers defending themselves, as in the case of Ark
Tribe. Under
the review’s unbalanced terms of reference, would Tribe’s conscience
have allowed him to accept Wilcox’s fee of $326, 974? The
government justified the omission of OHS on the grounds that its policy
had always been to retain the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner.
That body is distinguished for conducting reviews into its own
effectiveness at checking the paper work about OHS around worksites. Its
stated objective is to provide ‘an audit to improve, not inspecting to
enforce’. This application of manners gentle to violence and
unlawfulness by employers is the reverse of that from the ABCC/Inspectorate
towards unionists attempting to protect life and limb, with fifty
fatalities a year and thousands of injuries requiring four or more days
compensated leave. Unions
fear that Gillard’s proposal to impose a national OHS system in place
of those in the States and Territories will deliver the lowest common
denominator. An indication of employer expectations came in the
submission from the Australian Industry Group in March when it opposed
the inclusion of ‘welfare’ in the title to the new Act since it
‘may invite unnecessary angst’. A
related source of concern for building workers are amendments to the
Bankruptcy Act which will make it easier for small business to get on
their feet again. Building and construction is rife with Dodgy Bros
declaring bankruptcy to avoid paying entitlements, only to reappear
under a new company name. Why is the Labor government taking this hard-line? The answer is as multi-faceted as the interests of the players, but includes:
through these interests is the ALP’s retreat from equality. The
refusal to restore even the façade of equality before the Law by
abolishing the ‘Construction Stasi’ is
one more instance of the abandonment under New Labour of the social
equity articulated by R H Tawney and Richard Titmuss. Gillard’s
application of ‘fair’ to her watered down Work Choices is matched by
her justifying grants of ever more money to the poshiest schools with
the spin-line: ‘every school can be improved’, allowing
Australia’s Etons and Harrows to gold-plate their bell-towers. The
passing into law of the Gillard Bill is far from certain since the
government needs cross-bench support to get legislation through the
Senate. The opposition is using the limitations on the ‘Stasi’ to
beat its drum about the government’s being in the grip of the unions,
and will vote against. The Green Senators oppose both the old and new
regimes as violating civil liberties. The best the government can hope
from the two independents is that one will vote each way. For the
moment, the Senate has referred the Bill to a committee for hearings. If
the existing Act remains in force, the loss to the government will be
the tactical one of having to uphold coercive powers which it has
accepted are a touch excessive. Where
next for the unionists? A Left remnant inside the Australian Labor Party
raised the matter at the National Conference on 31 July, with no chance
of overturning the policy since the numbers on every issue are stitched
up by right-wing factions and the AWU. A motion affirmed that there is
no ‘on-going’ need for the ‘Stasi’, a weasel-wording which
Gillard welcomed as endorsement for the five-year sunset clause in her
Bill. That defeat leaves the Ark Tribe solution of making the law
unworkable and using the protests around arrests and imprisonments to
bring home to the public why employers deserve to face coercive powers
about their OHS violations and other criminality. [1] Humphrey McQueen is the author of Framework of flesh, Builders’ labourers battle for health and safety, 2009, |