BLF - Framework of Flesh
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This list contains only those references not mentioned in the footnotes.


Clarke, Linda, Building capitalism, Historical Change & the Labour Process in the Production of the Built Environment, Routledge, London , 1992.

Kazin. Michael, Barons of Labor, The San Francisco Building Trades and Union Power in the Progressive Era, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1987.

Linder, Marc, Projecting Capitalism: a history of the internationalisation of the construction industry, Greenwood , Press, Westport , 1994.

Linder, Marc, Wars of Attrition, Vietnam , the Business Roundtable, and the Decline of Construction Unions, Second Revised Edition, Fanpihua Press , Iowa City, 2000.

Markowitz, Gerald and David Rosner, “ ‘The Street of Walking Death’: Silicosis, Health and Labor in the Tri-State Region, 1900-1950,” Journal of American History, 77 (2), September 1990, pp. 525-52.

Reimer, Jeffrey W., Hard Hats: The Work World of Construction Workers, Sage, Beverly Hills , Ca., 1979.

Labor History ( UK ), Special Issue: The Building Trades, 46 (4), November 2005.


Berger, Yossi, A Kind of Violence, Australian Workers and Workplaces, Vulgar Books, Melbourne, 1999.

Blackshield, Tony and Michael Coper and George Williams (eds), The Oxford Companion to the High Court of Australia, OUP, Melbourne , 2001.

Browne-May, Andrew, Melbourne street life: the itinerary of our days, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, 1998.

Browne-May, Andrew and Shurlee Swain (eds), Encyclopedia of Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne , 2005.

Burgmann, Meredith and Verity, Green Bans, Red Union , Environmental activism and the New South Wales Builders’ Labourers’ Federation, UNSW Press, Kensington, 1998. Burns, John, The Tragedy of Toil, Labour’s Death Toll, Clarion Pamphlet, London , 1899.

Carson, W. T., “White-collar Crime and the Enforcement of Factory Legislation”, British Journal of Criminology, 10 (4), October 1970, pp. 383-98.

Carson, W. T., “The Institutionalisation of Ambiguity: Early British Factory Acts”, Gilbert Geis and Ezra Stolland (eds), White Collar Crime, 1980, Sage, Beverly Hills , 1980, pp. 142-73.

Clayton, Alan and Richard Johnstone and Sonya Sceats, “The legal concept of work-related injury and disease in Australian OHS and workers’ compensation systems”, Australian Journal of Labour Law, -53.

Cowan, Henry, From Wattle and Daub to Concrete and Steel, MUP. Carlton , 1998.

Daly, M., Sydney Boom, Sydney Bust, Allen & Unwin, North Sydney , 1982.

Davison, Graeme, The Rise and Fall of Marvellous Melbourne , MUP, Carlton , 1978.

Dias-Abey, Manoj, “Workers’ compensation: the new battleground between the Commonwealth and States. Attorney-General (Vic) v Andrews, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations”, AJLL, 20 (2), August 2007, pp. 225-38.

Fisse, Brent and John Braithwaite,Corporations, Crime and Accountability, CUP, ???, 1993.

Fitzgerald, Shirley, Rising Damp, Sydney 1870-90, OUP, South Melbourne , 1987.

Foley, Greg, Occupational health and safety in Australian workplaces: the high risk and high cost of serious Body stressing incidents, Worksafe Australia , Canberra , 1996.

Foster, Neil, “Personal Liability of Company Officers for Corporate Occupational Health and Safety Breaches: Section 26 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW)”, AJLL, 18 (2), August 2005, pp. 107-35.

Fraser, Don (ed.), Sydney , from settlement to city, an engineering history of Sydney, Institution of Engineers, Sydney, 1989.

Genovese, Eugene, Roll , Jordan , Roll, The World the Slaves Made, Pantheon, New York , 1972, pp. 25-49.

Glasbeek, Harry J., “Occupational Health and Safety Law: Criminal Law as a Political Tool”, AJLL, 11 (3), December1998, pp. 95-119.

Glasbeek, Harry J., Wealth by Stealth, Corporate Crime, Corporate Law, and he Perversion of Democracy, between the lines, Ontario , 2002.

Gunningham, N., Safeguarding the Worker: job hazards and the role of the law, Law Book Co., Sydney, 1984.

Johnstone, Richard. “Occupational health and safety, courts and crime: the legal construction of OHS offences in Victoria ”, Regulation: enforcement and compliance, Australian Institute of Criminology , Canberra , 2004, pp. 37-48.

Johnstone, Richard and Therese Wilson, “Take me to your employer: the organisational reach of occupational health and safety regulation”, AJLL, 19 (1), April 2006, pp. 59-80.

McDonald, Malcolm, FEDFA: a Victorian branch history, 1907-2005, CFMEU, Melbourne, 2005.

Mallory, Greg, Unchartered Waters, Social Responsibility in Australain Trade Unions, privately published, Brisbane , 2005.

De Michiel, Yvonne, “The Subjected Body”, Australian Journal of Law and Society, 1 (2), 1983, pp. 5-44.

Morgan, J. R., Industrial Accidents, State Library of South Australia , Research Service, Bibliographies, Series 4, No. 107, Adelaide , 1968.

Moule, W, H., The Employers Liability Act 1886, McCarron, Bird & Co., Melbourne , 1888.

Navarro, Vincente, “The Labor Process and Health: A Historical Materialist Interpretation”, International journal of health services, 12 (1), 1982, pp. 5-29.

O’Brien, Marjorie, Workers’ compensation law in New South Wales, 1926-1946, Workers’ Compensation Commission, Sydney , 1946.

Pearse, W. and C. Refschauge, “Workers’ Health and Safety in Australia : an Overview”, International Journal of Health Services, 17 (4), 1987, pp. 635-50.

Polk, Kenneth, Fiona Haines and Santina Perrone, “Work death in Victoria , 1987-1990: an overview”, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 28 (2), June 1995, pp. 178-92.

Quinlan, Michael, “The Profits of Death: Workers’ Health and Australian Capitalism”, Journal of Australian political economy, 8, July 1980, pp. 29-44.

Quinlan, Michael and Philip Boyle, Managing occupational health and safety in Australia : a multidisciplinary approach, Macmillan, South Melbourne , 1991.

Robinson, Mark A., Accident compensation in Australia : no-fault schemes, Legal Books, Sydney, 1987.

Rolph, David, “A carton of milk, a bump to the head and one legal headache: vicarious liability in the High Court of Australia”, AJLL, 19 (3), November 2006, pp. 294-305.

Scott, Caroline, “Extending Employers’ Duties for the Workplace Safety of Contractors”, AJLL, 18 (1), April 2005, pp. 87-96.

Taylor, Jennifer, Tall buildings: Australian business going up: 1945-1970, Craftsman House, Sydney , 2001.

True, Paul, Tales of the BLF … Rolling the Right!, The battle of the Builders Labourers Rand and File in New South Wales, 1951-1964, Militant International Publications, Parramatta , 1996.

Tubbs, Michael, Major implications of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1983, Nepean CAE, Business School , 1985.

Wade, C. G., A Treatise Upon the Employers’ Liability Act 1886, Law Bookseller, Sydney , 1891.

Wigglesworth, E. C., “Accidents in Australia : the Need for Research”, Medical Journal of Australia , 30 May 1970 , pp. 1113-20.

Wilson, G. and P. Sands, Building a City: 100 years of Melbourne architecture, OUP, Melbourne , 1981.

Worthington , Deborah, Compensation in an atmosphere of reduced legislation: a study of workers’ compensation claims made under NSW WorkCover, Civil Justice Research Centre, Sydney, 1994.

Indecs, State of Play, George Allen & Unwin, Sydney , 1980, 1984 & 1988.

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